Hasher Stats

As of 13 October 2016
If you notice some weirdness in the counts, email onsec@b2h3.com.  The records are good but drunk math is best math.

Uncle Bondage, Esq.10/4/148825
Dr. Penis Venkman10/4/145610
Donnie The Retard10/18/14417
Red Blood Gives You Wings11/1/14409
going Down On A bull moose5/30/154010
I'd Fuck Me11/1/14317
Colorado Steamer10/17/15284
Unnecessary Penetration5/30/16263
Unholy Nipples10/18/14243
Low Key6/11/16230
Does the Finger Count?8/22/15215
Takes A Bigger Cock11/1/14200
Mandingo Massacre11/29/14202
Matthew McKindaGay3/21/15205
George Andrew4/4/15201
JUST Cool Hand Luke10/18/14161
Sandy Hook12/13/14161
Subaru nmy HUHU1/4/15153
Just Heather5/31/16153
Just Mickey6/1/16140
No Name Macho6/11/16140
The Nut Wrangler12/27/14121
Phish Food10/18/14110
Stretch Ass Strong10/18/14100
Danger Can8/22/15100
George Teddy6/11/16100
Meatrack Retard10/4/1490
Struggle Snuggle12/16/1481
Ho White and the 7 Dwarfs10/4/1470
No Chodes Barred10/18/1470
George Matt3/14/1571
Guitar String Flash Princess4/18/1572
Bitch Tits8/8/1570
Cream N Scream8/8/1570
Banana Nut Bred7/23/1674
Not Too Sharpie10/4/1460
Minnesota Goat Fucker10/18/1462
Rush Gumballz3/7/1562
Just Alyssa6/25/1663
Cum & Blow7/23/1662
Raw Dog Ass Fucker10/4/1450
Just Brian1/24/1550
Dead Hooker Disposal Unit1/24/1551
George Kelsey3/14/1551
How Much Are Those Boobies In The Window1/9/1651
Just Hannah7/23/1650
JUST Finn McGee10/18/1441
George Henry11/1/1441
Strummin N Cummin12/27/1440
Just Maximus Desimus Maridius1/24/1541
Pony Keg8/8/1540
Danger Mouse8/8/1540
Just Archer8/8/1540
Just Nate10/31/1540
The Uniballer10/31/1541
Toys For Twats10/4/1430
Long Story, Short Dick11/1/1432
Doktor Helga von Boobin11/1/1430
That 70's Bush11/15/1431
Georgy Porgy11/29/1430
Ate Is Enough12/16/1430
Just Slimdog Millionaire12/29/1430
George Payton1/24/1530
Spanky The Clown3/7/1530
Lost & Found3/14/1532
George Fernando1/9/1630
Puss Filled Ass Bubble6/2/1630
Puss in Boobs6/25/1630
Just Gavin10/4/1420
Go Go Gadget Titties10/4/1420
Just Tonka12/27/1420
George Jake12/29/1421
Hifalutin Pussy12/31/1420
That's Not My Mayo1/10/1520
Slightly Gayer Ranger Panties1/24/1520
Just Kimmie1/24/1521
Motley Spew3/7/1520
I Want Anal3/7/1520
Moose Maggot3/7/1520
Nurse Crotchette3/14/1522
George Jim3/14/1520
George Larisa3/14/1520
Makes Muff Choke3/21/1521
Son of a Beach5/30/1520
Just Julie5/30/1520
Just Kaylee7/25/1520
George Ryan8/22/1521
George Tietje10/3/1520
Whack Sabbath4/30/1620
Schweddy Balls of Flour9/17/1620
Fond of Dudes10/4/1410
Who Let The Cock Out10/4/1410
Just Tim10/4/1410
George Michael Hunt12/17/1410
George Mrs. Michael Hunt12/17/1410
George Zak12/29/1410
Just Marcus12/29/1410
George Jordan1/1/1510
Mr. Gere's Finger Puppet1/10/1510
George Bruce1/24/1510
George Katie2/21/1510
George Heather3/7/1510
Just Matt3/7/1510
George Jordan 23/7/1510
George Trina4/4/1510
Sweet Transvestite5/2/1510
George Kari5/2/1510
Just Chelsee5/16/1510
George Jessie5/16/1510
Just Pana5/30/1510
Just Kristen5/30/1510
George Angelina6/13/1510
George Dad6/13/1510
Just Ron7/11/1510
Jersey Dry Mouth *cough* Cougar7/25/1510
George Travis7/25/1510
Hold My Balls7/25/1510
Just Josh8/8/1511
Suck My Canuck, eh8/8/1510
Just Mattie (dog)8/8/1510
George Mike8/22/1510
George Jameson8/22/1510
Just Reese8/22/1510
Come Home With Me and Your Mattress is Freeeeee8/22/1510
Billy Goat Jesus8/22/1510
George Erin8/22/1510
Fucking Jew’d Us8/22/1510
George James9/5/1510
Just Drew9/5/1510
George Spencer9/5/1510
Just Tyler9/5/1510
Bangers N Snatch9/5/1510
George Rean9/5/1510
George Tim9/5/1510
George Ben9/5/1510
Just Steven9/5/1510
George Cody9/5/1510
George Heidi10/3/1510
George Erinn10/17/1510
Dr. Helga Von Boobin10/31/1510
George Tyler10/31/1510
My Little Pony Shits In A Bag10/31/1510
Northern Sexposure11/14/1510
Just James11/28/1511
Just Brandon11/28/1510
George Dan11/28/1510
Just Ryan12/12/1510
Just Melissa1/9/1610
Roofie Le Toit1/23/1610
Suk My Roks2/6/1610
George Amy2/29/1610
Just Becky3/5/1610
Just Cassie3/19/1610
George Jennifer4/30/1610
George Georgia5/28/1610
George Monte5/29/1610
George Horror8/6/1612
George Mary8/6/1610
George Jayba8/6/1610
Penis on the Brain8/20/1610
Tig O’Bitties9/3/1610
Just Justin9/3/1610
Just Timbre9/3/1611
George Zoe9/17/1611
Just George10/1/1610
George Stephanie10/1/1611
George Andrew1/21/1601