Tag Archives: Bay 2 Blackout

B2H3 #64 ASS Invades SF

Coming to you from the Special ASS Invasion section of Hash Alaska, a collection of half-minds are going down (on her) to San Francisco for the 69th Bay to Blackout Hash hosted by SFH3, Gypsies in the Palace H3, FMH3, Fog City H3, EBH3, Barrrrbary Coast H3, and BARH3.  It also happens that the 104th Bay to Breakers foot race across San Francisco is happening at the same time.  It was incredibly generous of the Bay Area kennels to allow the race-ists to share their special day and name.  I’m sure it has everything to do with the founding principles of hashing: to promote physical fitness, to acquire a great thirst and satisfy it with beer, to work off the weekend hangover, and to make  members feel not as old as they are.

WHO: YOU and other members of B2H3, A2H3, AuroraH3
WHAT: ASS Invasion of Bay to Blackout

  • 13 May Kiss My Shiny Metal Ass – Let’s go on a Bender
  • 14 May – Don’t Probe me Bro! UFOs and Alien Ho’s
  • 15 May – Star Whores Episode LXIX: The Foursome Awakens

WHERE: San Francisco! http://sfh3.com/sections/9/pages/71
WHY: Why am I still answering this question?  There’s an ASS to invade!

Hopefully A2H3 will reprise of their shitty Thursday Night Trail which sent off the intrepid assplorers last year.  It was AMAZING!

Fine print: There is no B2 trail scheduled in Anchorage this weekend.  If someone wants to host one, DO IT!  I’m not your supervisor.