Monday 11/10/2014 6pm Blue Fox Cocktail Lounge
Agenda: Next trail
Monday 11/10/2014 6pm Blue Fox Cocktail Lounge
Agenda: Next trail
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Thank you to all who made it out on trail or circle. You all make it fun to come out and put this all on.
Congratulations go to Meatrack Retard and Just Gavin. They were both cited for bravery on trail and received the B2H3 Traditional Award Marking Prestige; Order of Nambypambies patch for shedding blood on trail. If you missed it, ask the lads to see their patch the next time you run into them.
Welcome to Virgin George. We hope you had a great time and that we see you again in two weeks.
Thank you That’s Not My Mayo… for volunteering to arrange with Polar Bar to allow us to have circle there.
Minnesota Goat Fucker: We missed you on trail so we kept your Hashit safe. It’s still yours for the next run.
See you in two weeks somewhere on the east side.
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Posted in Hash Trash
tldr: 11/1/2014 1300 HA: 1330 – Harvard Park E Harvard Ave 99501 (Curling Club Parking Lot) – A:A Dogs: Always – ID: Circle
Harriers and Harriets! It’s time to welcome the first of November with a *run* along the blue line. Because this is the third week we’re going out of the north. (Didn’t know we were rotating around Los Anchorage along the compass rose did ya? We are! It’s B2 Tradition.) Come on out to Harvard Park on Government Hill for a lively trail, some spectacular views (weather permitting) and a little light refreshment. It’s been a little chilly out so dress accordingly, but no headlamps are necessary (because we still have a few minutes of sunlight in the middle of the day). Bring your dog, your virgin, and $5 because we’re going to chase away that Halloween hangover.
Who: Uncle Bondage, Esq.
What: B2H3 #3: Blue Line Blow Job
When: Saturday 11/1/2014 @ 1 pm – Hare away at 1:30 pm
Where: Harvard Park on Government Hill E Harvard Ave 99501 (aka the Curling Club Parking lot)
Why: To cure the previous day’s hangover, work up a new great thirst, and satisfy it with beer.
Trail is A to A with a short drive to circle.
Your On-Sec,
Uncle Bondage, Esq.
Edit: I Want Anal *stomp* was good enough to point out that the address was showing up as someone’s house. It’s the curling club. Thanks for that and see all y’all on Hashing Day.
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Posted in Trails
Tagged Free Blow Jobs, Government Hill, Happy November
Only from a different location, with a different trail, weather, shiggy, and circle. So, otherwise, exactly the same.
tldr: 10/18 1300|1330; Raspberry Parking Lot @ Kincaid Park; Shiggy 2-3; Dogs: OK; ID: Circle
Harriers and Harriettes!
You are invited to join the Bear Bottom Hash House Harriers on a *run* this Saturday, October 18th. Our winter start time is 1300 with hares away at 1330.
The run will start from the Raspberry parking lot at Kincaid Park. 7551 Raspberry Rd, Anchorage, AK 99502
With the current weather conditions expect a level 2-3 shiggy trail. Dry shoes are always nice afterwards. As a reminder, dogs are always welcome on trail.
The trail is A to A with a short drive down the street for Circle.
Uncle Bondage, Esq.
P.S. If you want to hare a trail, let me know.
P.P.S. I hate MailChimp.
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Posted in Trails
Cool Hand Luke (our revered GM), Dr. Penis Venkman, and Uncle Bondage, Esq. are thrilled that all y’all could come out for our conception *run* yesterday. We’ve got lots left to figure out, but most importantly planning great trails to promote physical fitness, acquire great thirst, &ct., &ct.
B2H3 will run every other week on Saturdays. B2 trails will always be on the opposite week from A2.
Next trail will be Saturday the 18th; Alaska Day!
Trail details will be sent out a week before trail by email and will be posted to our mostly bare website:
Feel like haring some time? Hit one of up on trail or send an email to onsec at
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Tagged Announcement
95 Theses Trail
Who: all hashers
What: another fun trail with brother and sister hashers
When: Saturday (tomorrow) 10/4/2014 1300 Hares away at 1330.
Where: Al’s Alaskan Inn 7830 Old Seward Highway
Why: To promote physical fitness, to work up a great thirst and satisfy it with beer, and because there are visiting hashers from down south who want to see Alaskan hashpitality.
This trail will be immediately prior to and will conclude before A2H3 Erections being held at the same location.
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