Author Archives: OnSec

Thank yous 

A thousand thank yous to Cream and Scream, Bitch Tits, Danger Mouse, Pony Keg, Just Archer, and Weinerhasher for offering up the sweet, sweet, warm garage for us to have Circle. Twice as many thanks for cramming our gullets full of delicious chili.  Congratulations on leveling up The Uniballer.  Finally, I’d Fuck Me, you’re on notice for causing George Rhyss to get snared – you won the Hashit. 

B2H3 50 – 7th Trail Of Hashmukkah

On the seventh trail of hashmukkah, my true hare gave to me, a confusing mixed metaphor and the first trail of hashmukkah!  Just Rhyss has enough flour for just one trail.  Come out to see how long he can make it last.

WHO: Just Rhyss
WHAT: B2H3 50 – 7th Trail of Hashmukkah
WHEN: Saturday 12 December 13:00 – Hare away 13:30WHERE: Abbot Loop Community Park (approx 8098 Elmore Road)
WHY: It’s the miracle of hashmukkah – the miracle being that someone is setting trail

Trail will be A-A.  Dog friendly.  Strollers might be tough.  No ID required on trail, but may be for circle.  Expect circle to be outdoors (and brief).  Assuming the Religious Advisor doesn’t do his yob and order up nice weather, the fill in may opt to move the circle to a nearby bar.

Hash cash is always $5.

Hit up Uncle B with your volunteer dates for Hashmas.  Any interest in invading  Aurora/Squarebanks during the New Years timeframe?




5 Min Mis Man Tonight!

Blue Fox 18:00-18:05


Next trail 

Awards tracking

Things in my mouth

B2H3 #49 The Uniballer loves Alaska

The Uniballer and some Just (not George) in ranger panties have kindly agreed to pickup the last trial before HEAVY RUNNING SEASON (suckers).  For the 49th running (Alaska?) we’re running out of the North!  Which according to the hares means midtown.  Don’t hold that against them, or do by coming out to make them ‘splain themselves next Saturday.

WHO: The Uniballer and Just (ranger panties)
WHAT: B2H3 #49 North!
WHEN: Saturday 28 November 2015 13:00 (HA 13:30)
WHERE: 2005 west 47th Ave
WHY: What better to do after Thanksgiving than hashing!

Circle is A-A; No strollers, Dog Friendly, No ID.  Hash Cash is always $5

TRAVEL HASH:  B2H3 invades Mutha Rucker H3
Mutha Rucker H3 of Enterprise, AL is also hashing 28 November at 10:00.  If you happen to be in the vicinity of Panama City, FL you can catch a ride up to MRH3 in time for the hash with Uncle Bondage.  Otherwise, if you are in the vicinity, show up for some southern hospitality with an Alaskan Twist.



Mis Man Meeting Notes


B2H3 48 Hare School!

Hare Ye! Hair Ye! Bring out your Georges!  It’s winter and everyone needs a reminder about how hard it is to see markings in the snow.  We’re going to do a series of mini trials where some George who hasn’t hared or some hasher who thinks they’re hot shit grabs a bag of flour, a beer and blind sets an A-A in 15 minutes.  Then with the hare, the pack will follow along.  The hare will get to see how the pack acts, what they see, whether or not the hotshit haring is anything but a shitty trail! Wash, rinse, repeat! Uncle Bondage and Mandingo will be providing gentle guidance.  At least one of those people is qualified.  The other is just hairy.

WHO: All the Georges
WHAT: B2 #48 Hare School
WHEN: Saturday 14 November 13:00 – Hares away 13:30
WHERE: Parking lot near
WHY: Because this shit is harder than you think and there is always room to improve.

All the trails will be A-A.  If you are interested send an email to or let me know when you get to trail.  The hash will provide the flour and beer.
ID for circle, Dogs and strollers should be fine for trail. Hash cash is always $5.




Naming! Welcome furred hasher!

Our beloved GM has finally been on trail and hared enough* that you saw fit to give him a name fitting to show his citizenship in this community.  Next time you see him, give him a pat on the head and greet him: FISHFOOD!

* Namings are discussed and voted on at MisManagement meetings.  If you want to take part, show up.  Everyone contributes, named hashers vote.  Don’t be shy.

B2H3 #46 It seemed like a good idea at the time

Happy Analversary Bear Bottom Harriers and Harriettes!  That’s right, we made it through the rough summer patch.  Now it’s time to do what we’re good at; what we founded on; winter hashing!

WHO: Uncle Bondage, Esq.
WHAT: Analversary Run
WHEN: Saturday 17 October 1300 Hare Away 1330
WHERE: Foresythe Park

Trail is A-A, Dogs Yes, Strollers not sure yet, ID NO

Hash cash is always $5.