Author Archives: OnSec

$5 Trash

Holy Balls was it cold out at Potter Marsh for the 5 dollar make you hollah hashtravaganza.  Despite the utter crap weather and threats of ice skating, a hand full of intrepid hashers came out.  Thanks for your continued support Stretch Assstrong, Dr. Penis Venkman & Just Cool Hand Luke, Takes A Bigger Cock, Unholy Nipples, Meat Rackretad, Not Too Sharpie, Minnesota Goat Fucker & Just Finn McGee, No Chodes Barred.  Welcome for the first time Mandingo Massacre and Georgy Porgy. Continue reading

8 trails of Hashmukah!

Prepare yourselves for an epic and progressive series of trails to commemorate the 5777 years of hashing and the miracle of Hashmukah!

12/16 First night: Uncle Bondage, Esq. (N)
12/17 2nd: Minnesota Goat Fucker (E)
12/18 3rd: HARES NEEDED (S)
12/19 4th: HARES NEEDED (W)
12/20 5th: A2H3
12/21 6th: I’d Fuck Me (N)
12/22 7th: HARES NEEDED (E)
12/23 8th: HARES NEEDED (S)

B2H3 $5 #5 Hash Special: SOUTH

Calling all Hashers!  Saturday is coming soon, and that means A HASHING DAY!!!!  This week we’re running out of the south.  Head down to Potter Marsh, South Parking lot at 1pm.  Hares away at 1:30.

Who: Uncle Bondage, Esq. & Dr. Penis Venkman
What: The Five Dollah Make You Hollah Fifth HashstravaganzaWhen: Saturday November 29th at 1pm, Hares at 1:30
Where: Potter Marsh – SOUTH
Why: To celebrate Saturday after Thanksgiving by shaking off the turkey coma!

Trail will likely be A:A.  Dog friendly; but Circle will not be.  ID required only for circle.  Shiggy 1-2 unless you go through the ice.  (Safety Third)


Mis Man Meeting Notes


Logo theme and variation

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Meeting Minutes

5 Minutes Mis Man
Dr. Penis Venkman – That’s Not My Mayo… – Just Glenna (GM) – Uncle Bondage, Esq. Continue reading

5 Min Mis Man

It’s Monday!  That means mismanagement.  5 minutes to discuss the upcoming trail.

Blue Fox Cocktail Lounge @ 6pm – 6:05pm

B2H3 #4: I’m Late, I’m Late

…for a very important date.

Saturday!  November 15th!  The FOURTH running of the Break Even er BEAR BOTTOM Hash House Harriers (that’s you!!!)

Dr. Penis Venkman and Just Cool Hand Luke will be leading an exciting trail from the Hilltop ski area parking lot.

He’s being coy about the details, but since Just Cool Hand Luke is co-haring (and because B2 loves dogs) expect that the trail is dog friendly.

Who: Dr. Penis Venkman and Just Cool Hand Luke
What: 4th Running of the Bear Bottom Hash House Harriers
When: November 15th, 2014 @ 1300.  Hares away 1330
Where: Hilltop Ski Area 7015 Abbott Rd
Why: Because Saturday is a hashing day!


Harebrained Trails

Guess what half minded idea came out of the bar this week?

It’s very nearly the suicide season, so get ready for some serious trails

The Miracle of Hanukkah – there was only enough flour for one trail, but it lasted for 8 trails. Hanukkah starts the evening of December 17. Dr. Venkman somehow convinced Uncle B to be responsible for this series.

Kwanza – Mouthy Bitch (and possibly Bet He Crocked Her) will be teaching us about the 7 principles and leading us on a trail.

The 12 days of Christmas – Uncle B, realizing what a pile of shit he stepped in, decided that Dr. Penis Venkman also needed to run the 12 days of Christmas. This series will run December 24 – January 6.

Locations forthcoming.

B2 does not run on days that A2 _uns.

Meeting Minutes

Trail Saturday: Venkman to hare. Hillside start.

UB.E to email Venkman the rabbits foot vendor.

Arts and Crafts day at venkmans tomorrow (11/11) to make clay tiles for milestone awards.

No penalties to the hate for writing shit on trail that isn’t in chalk talk.

Updated pack on the design plans and trail ideas from Sunday night.

Go Go had an idea for trail that she refused to share.



