Author Archives: OnSec

B2H3 103 The Commendante

It’s now Friday evening, deep into the sabbath, in which I know you is all deeply and respectfully taking time away from work.  And for the rest of you who are still encumbered by The Itis it all good.  Tomorrow we work for you.  You show up at de renard bleu and we put yo ass in a car an drive it to trail.  Den you run yo ass back to dat fox fo more beer an maybe we do dat circle.  Oh maybe just a jazz band.

WHO: Banana Nut Bread & George Fernando
WHAT: 103rd run
WHEN: IN 12 hours? 26 November 2016 @ 1300 – 1330 hares away
WHERE: Go to the Blue Fox.  Transport leaves by car at 1330.  WHY: To work off the Spanksgiving feast

B>A.  Dogs (not at circle). No Strollers. Ice spikes/cleats recommended.  A change of clothes is always smart.  $5

Next! Unnecessary Penetration hosts her own on out the first B2 trail in December. After dat?  Christmas Eve – you want it?


Welcum Sister Hasher

Cum one, cum all, glove up and give our newest named hasher High Five! (née Just Hannah)

B2H3 101: Make it a Habit

50016100140__a7e0ec5a-42e2-4305-8a71-16b0e2fb0a63Normally, this is where I make up something that I think is pithy, hoping to convey my excitement and enthusiasm for the upcoming trail.  Today I think it’s best if I just share the exchange I had with the hare and you can make up your own mind about what to do.

gDOAbm: Make it a habit! Trail starts at University Lake Park, on Elmore.  ID required.  No dogs, no strollers.  Cleats and ice skates strongly recommended.

UncleB: Skates?

gDOAbm: Mostly a joke.  There is lake ice on trail.

There you have it folks.  Bring out your finest nunwear for the shiggiest this shoulder season can offer.  going Down On A bull moose and Rojo Hammer Toe all the way from squarebanks are showing it off for us to show off.

Saturday 1300 – Hares at 1330 – Nun costumes highly encouraged.  Hash cash is always $5.

Rojo is going to be in town for the weekend so be prepared for extra credit events!


Welcum Brother Hasher

Join us in giving a rousing B2 welcum to the latest George to join us – OLD FACEFUL (née George Andrew).  Buy him a beer and ask him to tell you a story!

Team Bear Bottom

Aloha race-ists!  Here’s yet another opportunity to nerd out with metrics for running.  Some of you already use Strava to track your runs.  Now there’s a way for us all to track the hashes.  Yup, we’re a Strava Club! Hopefully this will give us a good way to record where we run so future hares can explore new areas!  Or revisit old favorites.

B2H3 101: 1st Anal Hash-O’Face-Ween Creepy Clown Pub Crawl

Event name: 1st Anal Hash-o-Weenie B2 Creepy Clown Pubcrawl

Cum one and all to the 1st ever B2 pubcrawl. Subaru in My Hoo Hoo and Matthew McKindagay have been terrified, nay inspired by the spook-tacular creepy clown sitings across the US and we want to chance getting shot by anti-clown vigilantes. #clownliversmatter. Gear up in your costume of choice, prizes for best/worst and get ready to brave Anchorage’s finer establishments.

Where: Crossroads Lounge (It’s Where Friends Meet)
When: 1600 or 4pm
What: Costume encouraged happy fun time. A-A or A.5.

ID: Definitely

Dogs: not unless you want to tie them up outside stops

Kids: Let’s make some new babies

Money: $5 hash cash. Hares will provide some beer, but once we run out you’re on your own.



Pay attention half minds, this is something important.  Los Anchorage has been invaded by a foreign fish that looks remarkably like a local.  If you find yourself at HUMPY’S or getting a growler filled at BROWN JUG, make sure you check to make sure that your SOCKEYE RED IPA is actually from Midnight Sun!  If you discover after they fill your glass or growler that it isn’t an authentic Alaskan beer, make them dump it out.  The faster we can unburden the shelves with this invader and pretender, the faster we can get back to drinking our beloved local beers.

There have been sightings at the Brown Jug Warehouse on Old Seward around 36th and the one on Old Seward south of Dimond.