Author Archives: OnSec

24 Trails in 24 Hours

From the same great halfminds that brought you other spectacularly stupid trails as 12 Trails of Hashmas, 8 Trails of Hashmukkah, and the 4 x 40 Ice Challenge …

24 Trails in 24 Hours!

That’s right, 24 hours of hashing. On 25 June 2016, just a few days after summer solstice, the Bear Bottom Hash House Harriers are hosting an entire day dedicated to hashing in an entire day of daylight!

For the low low price of $25 you get:
•Hard starts every 3 hours•Trails 1-2 miles in all kinds of shiggy
•Sweet patch with all kinds of flair for every trail you run
•Some kind of sag wagon to move your shit from A-B
•Did we mention beer?
•Great Alaskan Weather
•24 hours of daylight!

Rego discounts for all the hares.  Send an email to to rego or volunteer to hare.

A Kinky Space Oddity!

When’s the last time you forgot being in San Francisco?  Yeah, me too.  SFH3’s anal adventure, Bay to Blackout, is cumming soon!  13-15 May.  For those of you who don’t know the halfminds by the bay with the help of all the area kennels host 12 days of hashing.  The whole shebang coincides with the 105th Bay to Breakers race across San Francisco.  You, me, and 100,000 of our closest friends will put on costumes (or take them off), huck tortillas, and find all the little bodegas to grab one more ice cold beer for the course.  Oh yeah, but we’ll be doing it on-on the sly.  Grab your rego, cash in some airline miles and get your best robot outfit ready!

B2H3 59 Flying Outhouse Skeet Shooting

Holy shit, its the Merry Marmot festival out at Arctic Valley.  Lost & Found has an outhouse he’s going to fire off the slope and he wants us to come see it.  What could possibly go wrong?  Prepare for a short trail and then partying down at the fund raiser for AWAIC and the Anchorage Ski Club.

WHO: Lost & Found
WHAT: B2 59 Flying Outhouse Skeet Shooting
WHEN: Tomorrow Saturday 2 April 2016 1300 HA 1330
WHERE: Arctic Valley Road – 61°14’00.4″N 149°34’44.3″W
WHY: It’s a hashing day! Also there’s gonna be bbq.

Trail is A-A. Shuttles will be available to transport folks into the festival.  Dogs are probably ok on trail, but not at the festival.  Strollers not recommended. Hash cash is $5 but you’re on your own for BBQ, beer and festival entry. DRY SOCKS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Dinner 4-6 Flying flaming dummy at 6.

24h of TACPenis 

This Wednesday the 3rd ASOS is doing a 24h run at The Dome to raise money for the TACP Association. Come out, run a few laps with out illustrious brethren. Or just cheer folks by hooting, hollering and sneaking beers in the parking lot. The run begins at noon and runs until noon Thursday.

The Dome is at 6501 Changepoint Dr, Anchorage, AK 99518

Welcum Brother Hasher

In recognition of always paying in silver, B2H3 welcome our newly minted (but well experienced) bother Fucking Jewedass 

B2H3 59th All Trails Go Up Hill

The weather is beautiful, sunny, and warm.  It must be time for shorts and tank tops!  Plus its spring break! So glorious!  Just kidding y’all.  Los Anchorage got a couple inches of the white stuff last night, the hillside got more.  Our clever hares are going to drag us through all of it.  With all the schizophrenic weather expect lots of dirty, moisty, and more dirty on trail.  And Ice.  Not the Mickey’s kind, but that will be available for circle if you want it.

WHO: Does the Finger Count? and going Down On A bull moose
WHAT: B2H3 59th UpHill
WHEN: Saturday 19 March 2016 1300 – Hares away 1330
WHERE: 8601 Kushtaka Circle 99504
WHY: Spring Break whoooooO!!!!!! Party time!!

Trail A-A. Stroller: NO Dogs: YES Ice cleats: YES Ice Cleats: YES ICE CLEATS: YES Ice Climbing Gear: Optional Hash cash is always $5 – No coins unless your names is Fucking Jewedass.

Hate how the hares are laying trail?  Do it yourself!  Trails in April are available!


B2H3 58 ICE MILE!!!

Bring out your skates! It’s time for the ice mile and feats of stupidity! That’s right. The 4×40 challenge will be reprised again this year. If you want to join the ranks of idiots you MUST RSVP and have a ride to trail. You will not be permitted to crank down 4 40s if you show up with a car!!!

WHO: ice milers and intrepid souls
WHAT: The Ice Mile and 4×40
WHEN: Saturday 5 March (13:00ish)
WHERE: Westchester Lagoon (approximately 1545 Hidden Lane)
WHY: Jersey wants to get patched into the 4×40 rolls

This is a social at your pace event. Hash cash is $5. You must let me know if you are going to attempt the 4×40 so I can have beer for you.

Welcum Brother Hasher

We finally got our First George back on trail. His reward? Henceforth and forever more he will be known as Long Story Short Dick! Buy him a beer to learn the story. 

B2H3 57 Leap Bear Hash

Once every four year the forces of good and evil conspire to bring all the good harriers and bad harriettes one more day of hashing.  Cum for MisMan stay for the hash.

WHO: Dr. Penis Venkman & Uncle Bondage, Esq.
WHAT: #57 (like the sauce) Leap Bear hashWHEN: Monday 29 February 2016 – LEAP DAY!
WHERE: The Blue Fox Cocktail Lounge
WHY: The day only cums once every four years.  That’s nearly 10 times more often than Uncle

Trail is A-A. No strollers, IDs required for the bar.  Hash cash is $5.

The Ice Mile with the 4×40 Challenge!  5 March!

B2H3 56 post VD drip?

It’s been six days since that hot and steamy VD that seemed like such a great idea. The penicillin should be working right now. Why do your pants still feel funny? Maybe because they’re racist ranger panties and you got punched in the junk. 

WHO: I’d Fuck Me

WHAT: 56th running of the bush buster has… dammit that’s not right

WHEN: Saturday 20 February 2016 1300 Hare @ 1330

WHERE: Chuck Albrecht softball field at the south east corner of MLK and Elmore

WHY: beer!

A-A. Dogs! Strollers? ID – circle. Hash cash $5!

NEXT TRAIL: 5 March The Ice Mile!

Speaking of STDs, save the date of 25 June 2016 for the 24 Trails in 24 Hours!