Author Archives: OnSec

On the 12th Trail of Hashmas…

My true hare gave to me,
12 PBRs,
11 Hashers hashing,10 Whistles blowing,
9 Songs a singing,
8 Boobs a showing,
7 Cocks a swinging,
6 False indictments,
5 Naughty checks,
4 Water crossings,
3 Virgins cumming,
2 Bags of flour,
and the FRB drunk on his faaaaaaaaace.

Gather round hares, harriers and harriettes for the final trail of Hashmas.  Join us for circle even if the weather out side is so frightful you can’t cum run.
When: 1/6/2015 18:00 Hare at 18:30
Where: 4600 Old Seward Highway
Trail: A-A Dogs: NO ID: CIRCLE only.

You can bet your ass (and fingers and toes) that trail will cold.  We don’t like dirty digits, but we don’t want them to freeze off either.  Please dress accordingly. Expect trail length to be commensurate with the pack size and the shittiness of the weather.


The Great Alaska Interhash!

Howdy harriers and harriettes!  The Great Alaska Interhash site is finally live (even if sparsely populated).  It contains nearly all the information you need right this second, which is to say:

Where: Anchorage
When: June 17-21, 2015
HashCash: $69 until 2/14 and $80 afterwards.

A2H3’s Red Dress Run and Bear Bottom’s Ball Buster will be included along with what ever trails get hammered out.


On the 11th Trail of Hashmas…

My True Hare gave to me,
11 Hashers Hashing,10 Whistles blowing,
9 Songs a singing,
8 Boobs a showing,
7 Cocks a swinging,
6 False Indictments,
5 Naughty Checks!
4 Water Crossings,
3 Virgins Cumming,
2 Bags of Flour and
The FRB drunk on his faaaaaace.

Minnesota Goat Fucker is braving the wilds of the west side for 11th trail.  Join us MONDAY at 6pm for the penultimate trail of Hashmas.

1/5 6pm Hares Away at 6:30
Javier Dela Varga Softball fields at 1950 W 56th Ave

Dogs: YES ID: No

Hash cash: FREE!

Patch Whores:  If you want the series patch it’s $20 which covers all of the circles we’ve had and are having for the series. The Hashmukkah patches are nearly done.

On the 10th Trail of Hashmas…

My True Hare gave to me,
10 whistles blowing,
9 songs a singing,
8 boobs a showing,
7 cocks a swinging,
6 false indictments,
5 naughty checks,
4 water crossings,
3 virgins cumming,
2 bags of flour,
and the FRB drunk on his face!

Happy Sunday dear harriers and harriettes! Cum on out for one of the last few trails of Hashmas.

Donnie the Retard has the brilliant idea to help us work off our hangover, acquire great thirst and satisfy it with beer.

Where: 47th and Haru
When: 1/4/15 13:00 Hares away 13:30.

Dogs: YES ID: NO Shiggy: 1-2

Hash cash: Free!

If you want the series patch it’s $20 which also covers circle on 12/27 and 1/6. Didn’t make circle on the 27th? You should have come hashing. It’s still $20.

On the 8th Trail of Hashmas…

My True Hare gave to me,
8 boobs a showing,
7 cocks a swinging,
6 false indictments,
5 naughty Checks,
4 water crossings,
3 virgins cumming,
2 bags of flour,
and the FRB drunk on his face.

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On the 7th Trail of Hashmas…

My True Hare gave to me,
7 cocks a swinging,
6 false indictments,
5 naughty Checks,
4 water crossings,
3 virgins cumming,
2 bags of flour,
and the FRB drunk on his face.

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On the 6th Trail of Hashmas…

My true hare gave to me,
6 False Indictments,
5 Naughty Checks,
4 Water Crossings,
3 Virgins Cumming,
2 Bags of Flour,
And the FRB drunk on his face!!!!

Fantastic! We’ve made it half way through the series! It’s just like hump day. Wait, it IS hump day. Come on out for a fun New Years Eve afternoon trail led by Just Jason.

Jewel Lake Bowling Center 8801 Jewel Lake Road 99502
Trail at 1430 – Hares away at 1500

Dogs: YES! ID: NO!

Hash Cash: FREE! If you want a series patch it’s $20 which also covers circle on the last day. (If you bought in earlier it would have covered the Saturday circle too. Sucker.)

Thanks again to Motley Speww and Struggle for the great verses that are just like a little light on to show us the way.

12 Trails of Hashmas Bearline!

12 Trails of Hashmas BEARLINE

12/26 Friday (South) – Dr. Penis Venkman
12/27 Saturday (West) – The Nut Wrangler
12/28 Sunday (North) – Red Blood Gives You Wings
12/29 Monday (East) – Uncle Bondage, Esq.
12/30 Tuesday (South) – Unholy Nipples
12/31 Wednesday (West) – Just Jason
1/1 Thursday (North) – Red Blood Gives You Wings & Mandingo Massacre
1/2 Friday (East) – Mandingo Massacre
1/3 Saturday – BYE TRAIL – A2H3 “Ruin Your Resolutions”
1/4 Sunday (South) – Donnie The Retard
1/5 Monday (West) – Minnesota Goat Fucker
1/6 Tuesday (North) – Dr. Penis Venkman

Support your other other Anchorage kennel by signing up for a trail!

On the 5th trail of Hashmas…

My true hare gave to me,
5 naughty Checks,
4 water crossings,
3 virgins cumming,
2 bags of flour,
and the FRB drunk on his face.

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On the 4th trail of Hashmas…

My true hare gave to me,
4 water crossings,
3 virgins cumming,
2 bags of flour,
and the FRB drunk on his face!
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