The Uniballer and some Just (not George) in ranger panties have kindly agreed to pickup the last trial before HEAVY RUNNING SEASON (suckers). For the 49th running (Alaska?) we’re running out of the North! Which according to the hares means midtown. Don’t hold that against them, or do by coming out to make them ‘splain themselves next Saturday.
WHO: The Uniballer and Just (ranger panties)
WHAT: B2H3 #49 North!
WHEN: Saturday 28 November 2015 13:00 (HA 13:30)
WHERE: 2005 west 47th Ave
WHY: What better to do after Thanksgiving than hashing!
Circle is A-A; No strollers, Dog Friendly, No ID. Hash Cash is always $5
TRAVEL HASH: B2H3 invades Mutha Rucker H3
Mutha Rucker H3 of Enterprise, AL is also hashing 28 November at 10:00. If you happen to be in the vicinity of Panama City, FL you can catch a ride up to MRH3 in time for the hash with Uncle Bondage. Otherwise, if you are in the vicinity, show up for some southern hospitality with an Alaskan Twist.